Trump Still Using His Old Samsung Phone Despite Hack Threat - TECHKNOW


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Trump Still Using His Old Samsung Phone Despite Hack Threat

Trump Still Using His Old Samsung Phone Despite Hack Threat

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The President of the United States of America is still tweeting from his old, unsecured Android smartphone, despite fears and protests it could be hacked.

Ahead of his inauguration last week, the Secret Service issued Donald
Trump with a secure, encrypted device, but he appears to have kept hold of his personal handset.

The President has been using his own Android smartphone to tweet while watching TV shows in the White House, despite the “protests of some of his aides”, according to a report in the New York Times

Trump’s personal handset is believed to be a Samsung Galaxy device.

He therefore has the option to protect it using Samsung’s Knox technology, which is approved for "sensitive but unclassified use" by the US Department of Defense, but the decision to keep using it at all is inviting trouble.


  1. I believe that a person is not required to immediately change all their belongings and habits at once.

  2. I think that such a man would have to think and care about the safety and information.


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