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If you've stumbled across this Hub you're probably a young or independent film maker much like myself and you're probably on a low budget or no budget at all. When first starting out it's a little daunting just how much making a movie costs. Not only are the cameras and good lenses a bit steep, but the entire post production process will set you back as well.

Although, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. The internet is a fantastic place to find a wealth of resources t help you out with your project. And so Lets look at some of the best free movie editors to get going.

1) Blender

I said with both previous programs that they were the free versions that could later be upgraded. Not so with Blender which is completely free and open source to all who want it. That said you might logically assume that because there is no upgrade that this program wouldn't be as extensive, right? Quite the opposite...

Considering its unusual controls you may be making another logical assumption that Blender's website would have a wealth of tutorial videos, right? In fact, no. In this respect Blender needs some improvement in its support. Tutorials available from the company come in the form of books and DVDs bought separately. However Blender's own forum and the wealth of tutorials on youtube can be used instead.

2)VideoPad Free - NCH Software

If you want something basic then this is a great start. Like most programs on this list, VideoPad has a free and pro version available for download, but the free version itself is pretty extensive. You won't be able to pull off quick Tony Scott style edits nor 3D elements of any kind, but like I said this one is more for new comers to editing.

Easy to Learn?

Remarkably so. VideoPad can be learned simply by playing around with it for half an hour. Everything is clearly marked out and labelled and because of its basics there's not much to be confused about. The timelines and windows follow the same form as most video editors and so its barely and effort to use if you've edited movies before.

3)  Lightworks (Free Version)

As I mentioned before this does come with a pro version, but you won't be missing too many major features if you use the free download. Lightworks is a program made by editors for editors and since it's creation has been used to edit a number of major motion pictures such as Martin Scorsese's The Aviator and Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction. Yes this program will actually provide you the tools needed to edit your first feature film for free.

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